This assignment is to show how do we think we can revamp to make a process of uploading a
picture/video on Instagram better for users.
picture/video on Instagram better for users.

I change the icons to the center as it will be easier for users to press on it. I also put the albums names at the bottom instead
of at the top left corner as I feel it is easier for users to slide and find the albums they want instead of needing to click on top
for the drop down menu of the albums (which IG has).
of at the top left corner as I feel it is easier for users to slide and find the albums they want instead of needing to click on top
for the drop down menu of the albums (which IG has).

When they press on the resize icon, the picture will resize (Similar to Instagram, just that it was placed in the middle
so that users can just press with their thumb).
I put the pictures at a smaller size as I find it not necessary to be large. This allows users to be able
to find their image more easily. They can slide up to find their picture.
so that users can just press with their thumb).
I put the pictures at a smaller size as I find it not necessary to be large. This allows users to be able
to find their image more easily. They can slide up to find their picture.
P.S. Instagram updates constantly. This work was done around November 2016.